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The Importance of Being Fully Present

Many studies have been done on the importance of being fully present for another person—on the power of giving someone your undivided attention.

There are also countless studies on the positive effects of human touch on everything from anxiety to depression, high blood pressure to hormone imbalance. 

Just a few of the powerful positive impacts of human touch are: 1)    Releases the oxytocin hormone. Called the “love hormone,” oxytocin’s job is to help you feel connected to others and promote

a sense of overall well-being and happiness. 2)    Reduces production of cortisol, the “stress hormone.” 3)    Inspires optimism, positive t

hinking, and compassion. 4)    Relieves anxiety and stress by increasing levels of dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters that help regulate mood as well as good sleep patterns. 5)    Lowers heart rate and blood pressure. 6)    Increases immune system function. 7)    Stimulates the hippocampus (the part of the brain that deals with memory).  

Tiffany Field, a leading to

uch researcher, way back in 1998, called for “a shift in the social-political attitude toward touch.” Humans have yet to embrace (pun intended) the idea that touch makes a positive impact and can be used as a powerful tool, not just for connection, but for simple resets of hormone levels, cognitive function, stress reduction, immune system boosting…the list goes on and on.

To illustrate this point: One study found that when teachers touched young students on the shoulder, the children became more involved in their work and were 60 percent less disruptive in class (Wheldall, et al. 1986). The positive aspects of their behavior increased after being touched as well. They were 20 percent more likely to check their work for accuracy and 20 percent more likely to take a book home to read.

You can be ahead of this curve with yourself and your loved ones. You can purposefully use attention and touch to improve Attention Deficit Disorder and all the symptoms that can accompany it. 

(Excerpt from Small Changes . Profound Results by April Kline, 2019)



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